Water-carbon-nitrogen field
作者: 禹城站 更新时间: 2022-12-03

       This field was established in 2016 to systematically monitor the dynamic processes of solid, liquid, and gaseous forms of water, carbon, and nitrogen and reveal their interaction mechanisms; to build an optimal agroecosystem with typical crops and planting methods, standard crop varieties, optimal water and fertilizer management methods, and no obvious disaster in the North China Plain; to build a new set of sample plots for studying the critical zone. A new set of sample plots for studying soil and water processes in the critical zone will be established to form a stable long-term monitoring system for soil and water processes in the critical zone. The sample plots will provide reliable long-term observation data for the improvement of soil fertility and efficient management and regulation of nutrient and water in North China, and provide data, theoretical and technical basis for research and decision making on food security, ecological security and environmental security. At the same time, it provides a platform that can be referred to for the research of national stations of farmland ecosystem, especially the networking of stations of northern farmland ecosystem.

Water-carbon-nitrogen field(YCAYJ12,since 2016)

版权所有:国家生态系统观测研究网络 京ICP备05002838号-58
Email: yca@cern.ac.cn TEL:010-64888975 技术支持:国家生态科学数据中心 • 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心