Crop-water-nutrient field
作者: 禹城站 更新时间: 2022-12-03

      This field was built in 2005 and consists of 32 original soil test plots with an area of 5m×10m. The field is flat and of uniform fertility, which is suitable for long-term experimental moisture research. The field experiments on crop-moisture relationship are laid out around winter wheat and summer corn, the main grain crops in the IRA-LRYR, to carry out research on the mechanism of crop-soil-moisture interaction process. It provides long-term, systematic and standardized long-term experimental data for the establishment of regional ecohydrological model, prediction of grain yield and water demand changes in the IRA-LRYR, efficient utilization of regional water resources, and optimal allocation of soil and water resources.

Crop-water-nutrient field

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