Critical zone soil and water processes observation field
作者: 禹城站 更新时间: 2022-12-03

       The field focuses on the construction of deep soil profile groups, groundwater observation holes and groundwater salt dynamics observation, large-scale soil structure dynamics and water and salt monitoring system, observing crop growth, soil structure and groundwater dynamics by growing season. A total of 12 observation wells were drilled in this sample field, including 3 wells at 100m depth, 3 wells at 50m depth and 5 wells at 10m depth. The observation of water balance, energy balance, groundwater level and salinity dynamics, soil moisture and salinity dynamics are also carried out. This new sample field will analyze the long-term impact of agricultural production on the structure of the critical zone, and provide a scientific research platform for future critical zone studies in 3 aspects: physical, chemical and biological impacts.

Critical zone soil and water processes observation field

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Email: yca@cern.ac.cn TEL:010-64888975 技术支持:国家生态科学数据中心 • 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心